Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recipe: Pizza Roll

This is somewhat like a calzone and a take off on pizza bites.  Instead of individual "bites" I rolled out the pizza dough into a rectangle and assembled the mozzarella and pepperoni slices in rows.  Then I sprinkled on some oregano, basil and parsley before rolling the dough up and sealing the edge with water and turning the ends under.  Rub a little olive oil on top and sprinkle oregano on as well.  Bake at 400' for about 20 minutes.  Turn up to 450' for a few minutes at the end to brown the top.  Delicious!
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Linda said...

Just visiting from New Friend Friday. Looks like a great time to pop in, your pizza roll looks delish!

To answer the question for New Friend Friday, my birthday is Sept. 24th.

Take care and Happy Easter!

Julie said...

Looks delicious. My blog is called A Little Bit of Everything too

Jane said...

This looks delicious! I think I can handle this one. Thanks for the recipe.

cookies and cups said...

I love this! My family will eat this up!

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Oh my goodness that looks so yummy, I'm a new follower from New Friend Friday, hope you can stop by sometime and I must try this recipe, thank you for posting.

Rettabug said...

I have had this before & it IS delicious!
We use warm Ragu spag. sauce to dip the slices into. Yummo!
Thanks for reminding me of this recipe.

Jilly Moo said...

I'm totally trying this. My hubby would die for it!

SnoWhite said...

love it! looks delicious.

JessieLeigh said...

Looks and sounds delicious! I make something similar that I braid, but I'm sure it tastes about the same. :) I love any and all things pizza related! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

My hubby loves pepperoni rolls. Yours looks great! Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

This would be great for a quick lunch. Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

April@The 21st Century Housewife said...

That really does sound good. And it would be fantastic as an appetizer too!

annies home said...

looks and sounds delicious and easy to make I may try this on a family night

Johnlyn said...

I make pizza rollups (cut into individual bites) but I hadn't considered cooking it as one big roll! What a time and mess saver!

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