Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recipe: French Apple Cobbler by Roberta

 Yummy dessert that freezes well. Warm up in oven after defrosting. Serve with ice cream.
French Apple Cobbler
1/4 cup water

3-5 cups peeled sliced tart apples
3/4 cup sugar
2 tbsps. flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla

1/4 cup water
1 tbsp. soft butter or margarine (for top of apples)

BATTER: (I double this for better coverage)
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt

2 tbsps. soft butter or margarine
1 egg (slightly beaten)


Preheat oven to 375'.
MAKE FILLING: In medium bowl, combine apples, sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, vanilla, and 1/4 cup water. Turn into 9x9x1 3/4 inch baking pan. Dot apples with butter.

MAKE BATTER: In medium bowl, combine all batter ingredients and beat with wooden spoon until smooth. ( I use electric mixer) Drop batter in 9 portions on apples, spacing even
ly. Batter will spread during baking.

Bake 30-35 mins. or until apples are fork-tender and crust is golden brown. Serve warm. Perhaps with vanilla ice cream ! And a little butterscotch sauce if you dare.... 

I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


Joyfull said...

This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

momstheword said...

Hmmmmm, I'm thinking I need to be making this real soon! What apples do you suggest to use?

Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

Linda said...

If this tastes HALF as good as it looks.....!!!
My husband came in and saw this post and said he could almost SMELL it!!

Tracey said...

Wow - this sounds - and looks - fabulous!!

shah said...

You did it again - I pop by and get an urge to stuff my face ;) Shah .X

Jill said...

Ohhh! Looks yummy! Perfect with ice-cream!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit this week!
Hope you have a great week!

Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Michelle @ On and Off My Plate said...

Now that is dessert comfort food!

Lori said...

Yummy - looks like a great recipe! I'm a new follower from Tag Tuesday.

Just Wedeminute said...

Following from FMBT! Stop by and say "HI" if you have the chance.

Looks so yummy!

annies home said...

your recipe sounds delicious I would serve it the same way with ice cream along the side

Trisha said...

I love a good cobler. Your recipe sounds yummy ... can't wait to try it!

Sarah said...

This looks delicious, I hope to make it soon! (new follower from Life of Riley)

Humble Homemaker said...

Looks yummy! :) I am your newest follower from the Welcome Wednesday blog hop. Have a great day!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Oh, my that looks good. Thanks for sharing this.

Unknown said...

oh my goodness..this looks delicious. i haven't had true cobbler in forever! this looks like just the thing to change that. oh i am craving this now! thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club!

Unknown said...

Hi. Visiting from the Relax and Make Friends Blog Hop. I am your newest follower. I look forward to reading your blog. Please stop by and visit mine.

Avril said...


Heather Jones said...

That is making my mouth water!!! YUM!!!

Marjory Skousen said...

Looks divine! Following you now, hope you'll come by and follow me too.

C'est la Vie said...

oh wow this looks wonderful!

Kristen said...

That looks incredibly delicious. I love anything with apples!

shah wharton said...

Yummy! Hope to see you at Weekend Creation Blog Hop tomorrow at with something wonderful to share. Shah .X

Unknown said...

Love your blog, great design!Following from Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop. You can follow back at :)

Jess said...

Sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Visiting from You Like Me Friday Blog Hop.

~Jess (new follower)

Meg Luby said...

this looks SO SO SO yummy! may i ask what makes it french?

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Looks delish, wonder if I could do it gluten free! Thanks for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Yum! I'm drooling over the pic with the ice cream.
I'm hosting a weekly linky, Sweet Tooth Friday, I'd love for you to share your recipe.

Karren Haller said...

Hi There, oh yummy, you are making me Hungary, and my oven is broken. It looks so delicious. Would you like to do a guest post on my blog at ? I would love to featured your desert. Let me know karrenh (@)
hope you'll follow my other blog as well at

Thanks so much, Karren

Rebecca @ Throw Open the Windows said...

Mmmmm... looks yummy! Thanks for sharing this. Visiting from TatorTots party. Rebecca

Lynn said...

Sounds wonderful for a nice cold February day:@)

Donnie said...

That looks really delicious. Have a wonderful day.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Ummm, ummm, good! I'll take mine with ice cream AND butterscotch sauce, please. ;)

Hope your weekend has been a good one. Thanks for linking to the party.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

angie said...

saw this on tatertots & jello - looks fantastic!

Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas said...

Just wanted to let you know that I “ Featured” you on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Blog Hop today for your great project & inspiration! Be sure to grab the “I was featured” on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Button/Code for your sidebar! You deserve it! Thanks so much..If you’re not a follower already we’d love for you to join us...

monah said...

I saw you on Pink Saturday.
I am printing the recipe. I like to cook & bake & this recipe looks delicious but not overladen with calories.
Please stop by & visit me too if you have a chance.

Jenn Erickson said...

Sounds positively delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your needlework and culinary talent at "A Little Birdie Told Me..." at Rook No. 17


Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Hey girl, I am really loving your blog. I am so glad you found me, and linked up to my party. How in the world do you travel so much, I loved traveling those places thru you.

This apple cobbler looks so delicious. Especially since there is no typical pie, crumble on it. I think I would REALLY love it.

SO I HAD TO FEATURE YOU. Come check out your post in my new sidebar section, you will be there until next week girl.

Thanks for linking up to Bella Before and After **AMAZE ME AUGUST**, and GUESS what? I have a fabulous giveaway going on this week too for the cutest ZEBRA print APRON, and TOWEL SET. Come enter before it's too late. GIVEAWAY HERE, I really appreciate the support girl.

Bella :)

kristen said...

this looks yummy - I like the different take on the tradition apple pie.

p.s. new gfc follower

Roz said...

what an absolutely perfect apple cobbler. . . . thanks so much for sharing the recipe and your post on fresh clean and pure fridays over on my blog 'la bella vita'....I'm still following you and love everything that I read. Hope you stop by with something great this weekend too! Ciao for now, Roz

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