Sunday, October 17, 2010

Recipe: Crabmeat Cheese Wedges

Crabmeat Cheese Wedges:
These are very easy to prepare and a sure hit at any gathering

1 (5oz.) jar Old English processed cheese
1 (6oz.) can crabmeat - use more if desired
1 stick softened butter
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp. seasoning salt
6 English Muffins
Let cheese and butter stand at room temperature until softened. Mix cheese, butter, crabmeat, and seasonings until well blended. Spread mixture on 12 English muffin halves. Broil until golden. Cut each half into 4 wedges.
Note: These can be frozen flat (uncooked) on a cookie sheet and transferred to a plastic bag in the freezer. Cook under broiler without defrosting but watch closely !
Number Of Servings: 48
I am linking to many of these BLOG PARTIES


Unknown said...

Hello! I am a new follower. Please stop by when you get a chance. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Tips 4 Green

Melony at Whimsy Daisy! said...

Yum! I think even *me* might could pull that off and it looks SO good!

April@The 21st Century Housewife said...

These sound really delicious - what a great hors d'oeuvre to serve at a cocktail party!

Kirby said...

These sound soo good! Cant wait to try them out!
I'm also your newest follower! You have some yummy recipes!

momstheword said...

This totally puts just plain chip and dip to shame! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Sounds yummy!

Thanks for linking up at Relax and Surf Sunday!

I'm following you!
Shibley Smiles

Unknown said...

new follower here from the blog hop...this recipe sounds yummy, think I'll have to try it soon.

Missy Schranz said...

Hi! I'm a new follower and would love it if you'd stop in at my blog:
You have a very nice blog!! :0)

Mrs. No-No said...

You are so creative - I like your lamp re-design!
Following you from the Monday Morning BH - please stop by and visit when you have time.
Carla aka Mrs. No-No

Reunion Committee said...

you had me at Crab and cheese wedges! They look delish! thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

Oooh, yummy! Great for a party appetizer!

Sharon Cohen said...

Old English Processed Cheese? I have never heard of it. But the result looks absolutely delicious. Crab is a popular treat in this area - sometime after Christmas - February, I think. I'll just have to bookmark this and follow you in order to follow up when the time comes.

I'm visiting from the Santa's Gift Shoppe Monday Blog Hop! Get a free copy of my Christmas ebook (Jesus Does Not Care and Other Christmas Stories) when you stop by. I'm #75 Donating to Charity This Season?

Liz said...

Yummy recipes! I'm a new follower from Typing Together. Looking forward to reading more from you.

jen said...


How was Italy? i'm thinking about taking a trip in feb for my 5 year anniversary.

Following from the hop today.

The Survival Mama

aceIN photography said...

my hubby would love these! your newest blog hop follower. happy monday! would *love* a follow back! you can find me at:

Turning the Clock Back said...

oh, those look good! You should come link this recipe up to our whats cooking wednesday linky tomorrow!

I am just visiting from the Meet Me Monday linky! Hope you get a chance to come and follow back if you dont already.

I have a great Green Holiday Giveaway event coming up November 7th through the 14th. A week of giveaways...I am up to about 10 or 12 so stop by and enter!


Dania said...

Stopping by from Tuesday Tag-Along. You love to cook, knit and travel - three things I wish I could do but have no time to do them in :-(

Hope you can follow back.

Unknown said...

i think you have just given me the perfect appetizer for thanksgiving. i have been trying to figure out what to serve...and this looks like the perfect choice. and so easy! thank you for linking it up to tuesday night supper club

Niki Jolene said...

These look yummy!

I am enjoying my visit to your blog (it's my first time). I hope you can stop over to Free 2 Be Frugal sometime soon.

Erin said...

YUM! These look amazing!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! These look awesome -- and like they'd be a great hit at a party! I love this! Thanks so much for sharing!

Annikke said...

These look delish! I am bookmarking this to make them later!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

What a great starter, thanks so much!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Mmm sounds delish. Thanks for linking up to Beyond the Picket Fence's Under $100 Party.

Holly said...

Awesome... Looks amazing!

I'm your newest Friday follower...

Look forward to your blog,


Miri said...

Ooh...easy and delectable! Now if we could only get English muffins here...

Ashlee Marie said...

I really shouldn't look at blogs at night, when I'm so hungry! Thanks for Linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

Nikki (Coupon Cookin) said...

I love crab and I think I definitely need to try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing and linking up. Have a great day!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

I just love your blog
Following from Tuesday Tag
Enjoy Country Living

Holly Lefevre said...

What a fabulous treat for you or your guests. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Stacy said...

This looks so great! I found you through the blog hop on You are a very creative cook and blogger!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh! This one looks amazing too!

Blessings & Aloha!

1grown2togo said...

Following yo frm Feed Me Friday via GFC~~ Shari

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