
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Recipe: Perfect Chocolate Cake with Whip Cream Filling

This dessert along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, is a perfect ending to a meal. It is a moist chocolate cake with whip cream between the layers and iced with a thick chocolate frosting. Keep the cake in the refrigerator but allow it to sit out and come to room temperature before serving. Leftovers keep nicely for a few days in the refrigerator.
Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Frosting
1 cup unsifted unsweetened cocoa powder
2 cups boiling water
2 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

FILLING:[I double this for a thicker filling]
1 cup heavy cream, chilled
1/4 cup unsifted confectioner's sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. In medium-sized bowl, combine cocoa with boiling water, mixing with wire whisk until smooth. cool completely. Sift flour with baking soda, baking powder and salt. Preheat oven to 350'. Grease well and lightly flour [ I use instant cocoa mix] three 9" x 1 1/2" layer cake pans.
2. In large bowl of electric mixer, at high speed, beat butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla until light (about 5 minutes), scraping bowl occasionally. At low speed, beat in flour mixture ( in fourths) alternately with cocoa mixture (in thirds), beginning and ending with flour mixture. Do not overbeat.
3. Divide batter evenly into prepared cake pans; smooth top. Bake 25-30 minutes or until surface springs back when gently pressed with fingertip. Cool in pans 10 minutes. Carefully loosen sides with spatula; remove from pans; cool completely on wire racks.
4. Filling: Whip cream with confectioner's sugar and vanilla; refrigerate. Assemble cake: On plate, place a layer top side down; spread with half of the cream. Place second layer top side down; spread with rest of cream. Place third layer top side up.
5. Frosting: with spatula, frost sides first, covering whipped cream; frost top with remaining frosting, swirling decoratively. refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving. to cut, use a thin-edged sharp knife; slice with a sawing motion.

This is a recipe my mother used which couldn't be easier or tastier.
l stick butter or margarine
4 squares melted unsweetened chocolate
6-7 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons vanilla
2/3 cup milk
Melt chocolate and butter together. Mix sugar, milk, vanilla and salt. Blend chocolate and sugar mixture together. Beat until smooth and begins to lose it's gloss.

I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. Oh wow, this looks delicious! Chocolate is one of my weaknesses and I can't wait to try this recipe.

  2. Now that's what I'm talking about!!! You have no idea how badly I want to eat this right now, lol! Looks yummy.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  3. This cake is so gorgeous that I'd feel guilty eating it! You clearly put 100% into everything you do.

    Once the cake was cut, I'd probably devour it pretty quickly ;)

  4. This looks delicious!I'm going to have to try this. Thank you for sharing it on Masterpiece Monday! Have a great week, Mary :O)

  5. Oh my goodness!!!! Now that is some serious chocolate!!! LOL

    I am a serious chocoholic married to a diabetic I will need to get tastavision to enjoy your amazing cake! I can only imagine how glorious it tastes though!

    Thanks for sharing it with us!

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy
    visiting from Moms the Word

  6. That looks positively sinful! Thanks for printable recipe!!

  7. Wow. That looks so good. Chocolate cake is so delicious. Thanks for posting this.

    I stopped by from Mingle Mondays.
    Please follow my blog if you get a chance.


  8. This cake looks amazing BUT since I can't stop at just one piece...and since I am still losing my Christmas weight (2 pounds to go)...I will have to pass. Thanks though. Sandra

  9. How fabuous that I've stumbled accross this recipe! I had a piece of cake just like this at a restaurant once and have been craving it ever since! Thanks a million :). Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  10. That cake looks SO YUMMY!!!

    I'm a new follower - found you at the Follow Me Chickadee party!

    Michelle :)

  11. Hi! This looks delicious! I'm getting hungy!Found you at Mingle Monday! I'm following you and would love for you check out my blog and follow me back! :)

    I've got some great giveaways right now and huge list of more to come!



  12. That looks wonderful. I'll definitely have to put that in my "to make" folder.

  13. Chocolate cake is my favorite dessert! Yours looks awesome!

  14. great looking cake new follower from the hop

  15. This looks wonderful! I've never thought of adding filling to my cakes. Thanks for linking up for TT again this week!

  16. That looks like a little piece of HEAVEN!

    Thanks so much for dropping by the Be-Bop-A Blog Hop! I'm a follower and I hope you'll stop by again soon! Have a great day! :)

  17. Wow, your chocolate cake is pretty and looks delicious! I want a big piece of this cake!


  18. Hi--I found you on a blog hop--love your site! And this cake looks divine! Janae

  19. remember those refrigerator cakes that were chocolate wafers with whipped cream--oh how i loved them...and this cake is like the gucci version of it. rich chocolate cake and fluffy whipped cream...i am in virtual heaven over here! thank you for sharing this fabulous recipe on tuesday night supper club

  20. Making me all hungry so early in the morning. Came over from Thristy Thursday but I've already was a FAN! Love your blog :)

  21. It looks ever so yummy! I'm going to have to try this! I am also a follower and on Thirsty Thursday.

  22. This looks delicious!


  23. That cake looks SOOOO good I want to lick my computer screen!

    I'm a new follower from FMBT. I'd love for you to stop by:

  24. This looks delicious!! And there's so much icing and filling on there, yummm! :D

  25. This chocolate cake looks fabulous! I'll have to try it soon!

    (Blog hopping from Girl Creative)
