
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Recipe: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Very good banana bread/muffins enhanced by the addition of chocolate bits - well isn't everything? Recipe can be doubled. Bread freezes well. Great way to use up those old bananas - I save them in the refrigerator. Kathy's original recipe said "the blacker the better" and I have made use of some very black bananas.
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
(printable recipe)
1/2 cup shortening ( 1 stick butter)
1 3/4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
1/2 cup chocolate bits (optional)
1 cup mashed bananas (2-3) The older the bananas, the better

Cream shortening and sugar in mixer. Add eggs. Add lemon juice to mashed bananas and stir into creamed mixture. Sift together dry ingredients. (I stir with a whisk) Add with nuts and chocolate bits to first mixture. Pour into well greased loaf pan or muffin tins which have been dusted with flour and bake at 325' for 1 hour or until done. About 30 mins. for muffins.

Note: Using an ice cream scoop to dole out the batter makes for a uniform batch of muffins. You can also sprinkle sugar on top of the muffins or loaf before baking.

Doubled makes 12 extra large muffins or 24 small muffins
I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. Looks really good! Came from House of Hepworths. I live in New England, too.

  2. Yummy, those sound delicious! I've got a bunch of brown bananas taking up space in my freezer--maybe I'll give them a try.

    I'm a new follower from the Thursday hop. Stop by when you get a chance!

  3. It is after 11 PM and I should be in bed. Instead, I'm looking at these delicious muffins which are making me hungry.

  4. these sound amazing!!! I definitely want to give this recipe a try.

    new follower from the blog hop :)

  5. This look really good. I'm thinking of a great healthy treat for my girls. Thanks for linking up. Have a great day!

  6. Chocolate makes everything taste better.

    Happy Fall! La

  7. new follower!

    found ya from thirsty thurs. cute blog! come visit us sometime.

    :)kelli & kristi

  8. Those sound amazing! Thanks for sharing your “creative mojo” with me on Thrilling Thursday. I hope you will be back again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  9. Mmmmmmmmmm...sounds delicious! I think I could gain weight just reading your recipes!

  10. These look delish! I don't see the point of making banana muffins WITHOUT chocolate chips ever again!

  11. Yummy! Thanks for planting the creative seed in my head that I need to eat! LOL! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!


    Punkin Seed Productions

  12. Yummm!

    I've been hosting a weekly meme called Seasonal SUNDAYS and it's all about what the season means to YOU. I'd love to have you come join me. The link goes up in the early hours of Sunday, so link at your leisure any time on Sunday or Monday. Hope to see you then.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. Following you on the blog hop! Those muffins look DELICIOUS! You can find me at Have a great weekend!

  14. yummy! banana + choc chips = heaven!
    newest follower from FFF... hope you'll consider following me too (-:

  15. I always love seeing new baking recipes -- it makes me think that I can someday bake myself (never been a strong point of mine, but my husband loves baked goods!)

    These look especially tasty! Visiting from It's So Very Cheri today.


  16. THANKS for the recipe, they look absolutely delicious!

  17. I’m following from SUPER MEGA 6 IN 1 BLOG HOP!

    Please Follow Me Back Thanks!

  18. Yum, these look delicious. Found you through the pink dandy blog hop, now following yours. I hope you can stop by.

  19. I have 2 bananas in the freezer-sounds good!

  20. Thanks for coming and being a part of Seasonal Sundays. Hope to see you next week.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. This looks really yummy! I love banana bread or banana muffins and mixed with chocolate just makes it better! thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  22. yummy. thanks for linking up to FFF. following you back.

  23. They look delicious. I use a similar recipe and pipe a little cream cheese icing on the top! :)

  24. These look great! I may have to try them. The first thing on my list is pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. When I get to this recipe - I'll definitely come back and tell you how they turned out. Have a great Tuesday!

  25. Found your blog through links...If you ever need new recipes come swing by our blog. we also have a great give away going on now.. A free purse of your choice

  26. These look amazing, thanks for sharing!

  27. Oh my gosh, I know what I need to make this weekend! These look too deeeelicious!

    Stopping by from Java's Follow Friday to say hello and be your newest follower!

  28. My favorite flavors in one luscious muffin!

  29. I've been seeing Banana recipes ALL OVER these days. maybe I just THINK I'm seeing them everywhere because I don't like them. BUT my kiddo's and husband love them so I'll have to try these out for them! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  30. They sound delish!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week!

  31. Those Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins look delicious. :)

    I'm a new follower from the blog hop.

    Jessi's Bubble

  32. Yummy!

    I'm visiting from Friday Blog Hop.

  33. Thanks for linking to FFF. Have a great weekend. ;)

  34. i have some bananas that are ready to be part of a recipe and i think you just found me a recipe! thanks for posting, i LOVE your blog!


  35. Mmm, pinned these also :) Although I do have some banans on hand to make these today... muahahaha...
