
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Events: Good Night, Irene!! And Good Riddens!

I hope everyone who has been affected by Hurricane/Tropical Storm "Irene" is through the worst of it and doing well by now.  We lost power with the onset of Tropical Storm "Irene" at 10 a.m. Sunday morning and are just now getting our power back.  
Other than the loss of a couple of tree branches, we had no other damage but the overall loss of power to the area was amazing.  It didn't seem like such a big deal but evidently Irene took it's toll on major wire connections over a widespread area.  
We have been surviving with candles, flashlights, an old fashioned battery operated radio and some hard to find, well placed, ice in our freezer to try to stave off defrosting.  We are most thankful to be returned to this century as I realize that I was not cut out for life in the 
Little House on the Prairie.  "Roughing it" is not for me.....


  1. I too, hope the storm is ended for all the people on the Eastern seaboard. I wish you well and a speedy recovery so you can get on with life.

  2. SO happy to hear! I have been concerned about you and a few other bloggers! Still have not heard from several of them. Amazing the power of weather!
    I do love the modern conveniences and I am sorry you were without power for so long!
    Welcome back!

  3. following from the welcome wednesday blog hop!

  4. I have experienced storms and hurricanes in Jamaica so I know what they are like. I am glad you are all safe. I am a new Follower from the Thursday Blog Hop.

  5. I wanted to spread the word among New England bloggers that I have a great giveaway for the Hood New England Dairy Cookoff and a one night's stay at the Portland Regency Hotel.

    Here is a link, if you are interested! Have a great Thursday!

  6. Isn't life adventurous without the things we all take for granted?? In Plainville we got our power back Wednesday evening and then Comcast came back online late yesterday afternoon. It was so exciting to read without holding a flashlight and my refrigerator has never looked cleaner or more empty :)


  7. new gfc + fb follower from hop. please follow at

  8. I am from the Boston area too!!!! South shore actually :) And Irene had us out for 5 days!

    Your blog is so cute! and the last post about the bears omgosh! They are the cutest bears ever!

    Following from the blog hop :) hope you can follow back :)

  9. We could have used some of Irene's rain here in NM! Just not the destruction! I am hopping through on Wednesdays hop! Follow back please Parga's Junkyard Blogand on facebook!
