
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Recipe: Pizza Rolls on a Stick

I love this idea from Christy at from glitter to gumdrops.  Check out her blog for her inspiration and her clever take on a graduation gift.  I think this would make a good appetizer when served with a marinara sauce. 
Roll out dough - I purchased at the super market bakery - and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.  You can buy it shredded or do it yourself which I did.
Make three rows of pepperoni and sprinkle garlic powder, oregano and basil over the top.  I also added some fresh basil from the garden.  Leave spaces between pepperoni so cheese will help dough adhere to itself.
Roll as tight as possible from the long side after spreading a line of water along the three other edges to seal the edges and keep the roll from separating during baking.
Slice into 3/4 inch rounds and place on a Pam sprayed cookie sheet.
Bake at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes. Do not overcook.
Insert pointed end of skewer into the pizza roll while it is still hot.  Skewers are available at most super markets.  You can serve with a marinara dipping sauce. [I later checked out a site Christy mentioned on her blog and would probably spread the marinara sauce over the bread dough first.]
Or as Christy did, wrap in individual bags and place in a styrofoam lined bucket to give as a gift.  She has all the details on her blog.  You can purchase clear cellophane bags for this but I simply used plastic sandwich bags.
I am linking to  many of these BLOG PARTIES 


  1. Oh these look yummy!!! Thanks for sharing and I'll have to pop on over to Christy's blog too. Happy 4th Sweetie!! ~ Laura

  2. What a great idea! Perfect for a bake sale!

  3. Those look delish! Such fun for a party! Happy 4th!

  4. Your pizzas-on-a-stick look great! I'm sure they are excellent with the fresh herbs too! Thanks for the shout out. ;o)

  5. What a clever idea. I have seen all kinds of sweet things on a stick and they are so popular with the kids, ( let's not kid ourselves - the adults love them too!) Pizza, yum. I love it. Thanks for sharing this Monday.

  6. Fantastic idea! Even a fussy little kid would eat those. Pizza lollipops - I love it!

  7. very creative!! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  8. What a great idea!! I'm putting together 2 pool parties later this summer! They will be perfect for something savory for the kids to eat!

  9. These are just too cute! I'm going to have to try these I'm pretty sure! :) Found you on Sumo's Sweet Stuff Market Yourself Monday!

    ~wendy --

  10. Oh do these look tasty! Will have to try them for sure! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  11. Brilliant! I'd never thought to do such a thing. Thanks for sharing.

  12. That is really a cool idea. I have never seen this done with pizza before. You come up with the neatest ideas. Thanks for sharing today!

  13. I have to make these!!!! Love any food on a stick. Last year our cooking light club did foods on a stick and it was so much fun that we are going to repeat this theme. Thanks for posting this.

  14. WOW these look so good! We love anything to do with pizza around here. I will have to give these a try! THANKS for sharing!

  15. Yum! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  16. Those are too cute! I love the idea! I made some pizza rolls a couple of weeks ago, but these would be great for a fun party. :D

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. What a neat idea! I think my kids would really enjoy that! Think this will be added to our dinner menu this week!

  18. awesome!! brings me back to state fair days :)

  19. Those really look great- on or off the stick. Thanks for the recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  20. Ack! These are so cute--I have a house full of teenagers, I think I'll leave these ingredients on hand so they can make a midnight snack. Thanks for passing along this idea.

  21. sooooo gooooood. What better way to enjoy ooey gooey pizza goodness than in the convenient on-a-stick format. Yay!

  22. Those sound delish! I've been on a homemade pizza kick, so I'll have to try these!

  23. Yummy! That would be good just to pick up by hand too! Thanks.

  24. This is a fabulous idea! I will be making these for my next get together!

  25. We make these, but I've never put a stick in them. Looks yummy! So creative.

  26. back to comment after I get some thing to eat! hehe Thanks for joining us for Anything Related #14! ~Bridgette

  27. What an awesome idea! What kids wouldn't beg for some pizza on a stick?! =)

    I'm going to be adding this to my round up post that will go up this Saturday! Thanks for the great idea!

  28. I'm a new follower via Google Friend Connect :) Found you through the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. That looks super yummy and easy!

    -Ai Mei

  29. YUM! These look like so much fun. Come join me for What's On the Menu Wednesday whenever you can. I would love to see you there.

  30. These look delicious! Following from Welcome Wednesday.

  31. Those look so yummy! What a great idea for a potluck. I will definitely make those for our next one at the office.

  32. My kids would love these!!! I al always looking for a creative way to make pizza! Love it!!!!

    I am going to share this with my Facebook friends!

  33. What a great idea. It looks so delicious!

  34. MMM...these look great! Pizza is yummy in any form or shape, but these are so cute!

  35. They look DARN DELICOUS !!! lol
    I'm putting that on my list for the next time I entertain...Love the way you did those up.
    Thanks for sharing!

  36. Love this idea! I will for sure try this!

  37. I just bookmarked this for my next party!

  38. this is such a great idea, had to feature it today! thanks for participating in "AP Tuesdays!"

  39. yummy! looks really really delicious! :)

  40. Just wanted to let you know these are a regular on our menu- we love them.

    I featured this recipe on my blog last week as a pizza alternative and linked it back to you!
