
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helpful Hint: Cleaning Filmy Glass Vases

  and After
I'm not sure you can truly tell the difference in the photos but this vase was considerable filmy on the inside even after going through the dishwasher.  I read somewhere that using Alka-Seltzer (or Polident, I think) would remove the film and it did!  I disolved both tablets in hot tap water and let it sit for a few minutes.  Worked like a charm....
The last of the daffodils in the garden stand up beautifully in the vase thanks to another tip.  Securing the flowers with an elastic fastened around the tops of the stems, just under the flowers and again at the bottom, helps to support the otherwise floppy daffodil stems.  

I am linking to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are That Family
Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts


  1. What a great tip. I have some vases in serious need of cleaning. Your flowers are gorgeous!

  2. Thanks so much for the tip...I will give it a try!


  3. Great tips! AND I intend to use them! Thanks!

  4. This is a very helpful hint for me! We have extreemly hard water even with a water softner. Our well is dug through 450 feet of limestone. So I am always throwing out glasses because our daily use ones get so cloudy.
    I am going right out today and getting some Alka Seltzer.
    Thanks you so much for this great tip.

  5. Thank you for the tip!!! I have a beautiful vase that I thought was ruined...I'm going to try this!

  6. Two great tips! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you so much for this great tip! I have a mug that I got when I was in Germany that has got that film on the inside of it, from use over forty years... I can't wait to try out your tip! Thanks again!


  8. what a great tip!!
    thanks for sharing! xoxo
    Mini B.

  9. Great tip, thanks! Hmmm, I wonder if putting an Alka-Seltzer in the dishwasher would work. Something to think about (or try!).

  10. Get outta town, that was an amazing tip...I knew about the rubber band and the daffodils, but Alka Selzer was news to me. Anyway, I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday blog hop.

    Hope you'll come visit my blog and follow me too? Thanks. I'm going to like visiting here!

  11. I'm follower #492! Your newest follower form Welcome Wednesday!

  12. What a fun blog and a great tip on cleaning your vases! We hope you have enjoyed our "Welcome Wednesday". Thanks for sharing it with us!!

    Jaime & Kristin
    Take It From Me

  13. Wow, I can really tell the difference. Great tip, thank you!

  14. Major difference in the AFTER shot. Thanks for the tip on the Alka Seltzer. I have some dingy vases I need to try this on.

  15. How interesting! I've never heard of using this but I'll add it to my list to try!!
