
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Helpful Hint: Removing Store Price Stickers

I have found that holding a hairdryer on the sticker for a few seconds before beginning the process of peeling it off, works like a charm.  Continue to direct the hairdryer on the underside of the sticker until it is free.  This works on any number of products and leaves no sticky residue in most cases. 
Of course, when any residue is left behind, Goo Gone helps to remove it.  
I am linking with Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family
Tip Me Tuesday at Tip Junkie
Favorite Things Fri. at A Few Of My Favorite Things


  1. What a great idea! I will have to try this. Discount stores (especially Ross & TJ Maxx/Homegoods) are so terrible about putting their price tag on the glass part of a picture frame or mirror.

  2. This is such a good idea! For glasses and containers that have these stickers, my secret is to fill the container up with hot water. The water softens the residue, but since it's on the inside, the sticker doesn't fall apart. I bet your tip will work for almost anything!

  3. Love this tip! I HATE when they put the price tag on the front of a picture frame!

    Talk about a pet peeve!

    Great tip...I will definitely use it!
