
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Helpful Hints: Use a Footlocker To Store Children's Memories

This is a tip for parents out there.  As our children progressed from birth through school into adulthood, I kept samples of their school work, memorabilia from noteworthy events and milestones in their lives etc. along with their baby book in a footlocker used solely for that purpose.  Each child has one and it pretty much provides a safe haven for all those memories right through college.  
It was helpful to take a photo of them with their art work during the grammar school years and save the photo but perhaps not the art itself.  This allowed for more space for other items in the footlocker.
And this would also work with storage bins which come in a variety of sizes for a reasonable price.
I am linking to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are That Family


  1. I love this idea. I am using large photo boxes now, but will quickly run out of room when I start to save things other than papers and pictures.

    Kaycee @

  2. Thanks for sharing your idea. My mother did the same thing for each of her 5 children. When each of us moved out on our own, the foot lockers went with us. EVERYTHING you can imagine is in them. Baby cards (57 years old!), art from every year in elementary school, report cards, etc. It is something I truly treasure.

  3. For years I've tried to come up with a plan to keep the kids stuff from school under control and recently started to do this with a plastic storage box, but I think the foot locker would be nicer because it could be kept out in their rooms.

  4. Thanks for stopping by Second Street. You have some great projects here. I'll be checking in. The sour cream chocolate cake looks divine.

  5. I love the idea! You could even decoupage them to fit each child's personality.

    Thank you so much for visiting my page! Yours is super cute & I look forward to getting to know you :) Also, congrats on your son's recent marriage. Will this be your first grandbaby?

  6. OMG! I just noticed your video of Josh Turner! My brother was in the live video! (I put a link to it on my blog, you might have to scroll down! My brother is the one with the dark hair doing "disco"!) I LOVE this song! :)

  7. dang, why haven't I thought of that yet??
