
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Celebrate National Delurking Week !

I discovered this on another blog, "daily yarns n' more" and thought it's never too late to celebrate!  Well, a week late but who's counting...
Celebrate National Delurking Week and leave a comment!
National delurking week

 It’s time to get active online. You’ve got 51 weeks a year to read web pages without making your presence known, but this week, be sure to comment wherever possible! DeLurk and come out of the shadows!
National DeLurking Week is celebrated the second full week of January, running from Monday through Sunday.

  I know there are a lot of people who read my blog by the stats I get.  So leave a comment so that I know you're there and if you have a blog I'll come over and leave a comment too.
Lurkers...this is the week to come out of hiding !! And Welcome!!


  1. hahah, this is hilarious!
    I have always wondered what the technical term for that is...lurker, love it.

  2. I havent been lurking...just visiting back at you since you stopped by my blog...I think I'll stay at yours cuz I loves to bake!!! Always nice to have new friends, too, isn't it?!
