Sunday, December 12, 2010

Recipe: Banana Chocolate Chip Breads

These banana breads will be gifts for Christmas.  Chocolate chips add to the flavor and red and green sugar gives each bread a festive look.
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
(printable recipe)
1 cup shortening ( 2 sticks butter)
3  1.2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsps. baking soda
4 eggs
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
1-2 cups chocolate bits (optional)
2 cups mashed bananas  (The older the bananas, the better)
Cream shortening and sugar in mixer. Add eggs. Add lemon juice to mashed bananas and stir into creamed mixture. Sift together dry ingredients. (I stir with a whisk) Add with nuts and chocolate bits to first mixture. Pour into well greased loaf pan or muffin tins which have been dusted with flour and bake at 325' for 1 hour or until done. About 30 mins. for muffins. ( I bake at 350')
Note: Using an ice cream scoop to dole out the batter makes for a uniform batch of muffins. You can also sprinkle sugar on top of the muffins or loaf before baking.
I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


Jill said...

Thanks for linking up again to A Round Tuit!

Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Anonymous said...

Following you from BabyDealsDujour,
we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and
Twitter too.

Grandma Bonnie said...

New follower from the blog hop.
Hope you follow back.

momstheword said...

Yummy, and I love how you used colored sugar. Very creative! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

Unknown said...

newest follower from blog hop.
Come visit me, have some fun holiday ideas.

love the gingerbread place cards

Anonymous said...

Can you come to my house and cook all of these goodies? Visiting from Pink Dandy Blog Hop.

April said...

hi there! i'm following from the cornucopia of blog hops :) i would love if you would follow me back!


Donnie said...

That sounds really delicious.

Krisztina Clifton said...

Hi! Following you from a Monday Bog Hop. Please visit my blog directory & blogging tips blog at or my chocolate blog at

The Splendiferous Life said...

New follower from Blog Hop..recipe looks great.

Unknown said...

So festive!! Bet they are yummy too.

Grace Matthews said...

Cute Idea

Fellow Blog Hopper:)

MFEO2009 said...

following you from tuesdays bloghop & i'd love to have you follow back!
i'm looking forward to more of your fabulous recipes...yummm :)

Nikki said...

Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! That looks so good! I hit my goal of 50 links, so be sure to come back next week cuz I'm having a giveaway!!!!! Thanks for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day!!!!!!! :)

Mika said...

Looks yummy!
I'm following from the blog hop.
I'd love a follow back at


Unknown said...

Those look yummy.

Unknown said...

cute and yummy all wrapped up into one delicious bread! thank you for sharing this with tuesday night supper club!

Melissa said...

I never thought to use colored sugars to make my quick breads look more festive. Thanks for the cute idea! :o)

Abramyan Avenue said...

My family LOVES banana bread... I have never tried any variations..maybe I will give the chocolate chips a try! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe!

Suertemom said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower. I'd appreciate if you can follow back.

Lindsey said...

These look delicious!
I'm your newest blog follower from Thinking of Me Thursdays!
I'd love for you to follow me back.

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds so good! I am printing it as I write. Blessings

Unknown said...

I am a new follower and also grabbed your button1 Hope you'll come visit me :)


Nichelle @ Vintage Wanna Bee said...


Thanks for linking up at Paisley Passions!

I'd love for you to come by my blog!!



P.S. I'm your newsest follower!

Helen Pigott said...

Mmmmmmmm those banana breds look yummy.
I found your lovely blog while hopping around and thought I would say Hi. I would love it if you could visit me back.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a fun filled new year.
Helen x

The Sheridans said...

Hi! I found you on the blog hop! I can't wait to read threw your blog! I would love it if you came and followed mine!

BTW, Your food looks SO Yummie!

Shawn said...

The Banana Bread looks great and very festive with the colored sugars. BTW love your background and the snow falling!

Sippy Cup Mom said...

Those look great!

I am a new follower!

Candace said...

I love the combination of bananas and chocolate chips. These look amazing. I would love to receive one of them as a gift!

Have a great weekend,

Sabina@Slipstitches and More said...

Great recipe and looks dee-lish...I'm a new follower from Fun Follow Friday, hope you will stop by:

Anonymous said...

Yum! I'm making these for my husband. He'll love them.

I'm following thanks to Bee Friendly Friday!

Anestazia said...

Did you see that you were my featured blog over at It's Freakin' Friday? Congrats!

Anestazia <3

Maria said...

Your banana bread looks YUMMY. thanks for the recipe.

Lori@Paisley Passions said...

Yum! Banana bread is one of my all time favorite treats! Thanks for linking up and sharing at Thrilling Thursday on Paisley Passions. :)

Erika said...

I'm visiting from the blog hop & am your newest follower! I would love a follow back - thanks!
Have a great day!
Musings From a SAHM

April said...

mmmmmmm....this sounds so good! I will have to try it. come link up to my Sew Crafty Saturday party.

Anonymous said...

Those sound good. I'm always looking for new ways to use bananas!

Shannon said...

Yum! I can smell it baking from here.

Unknown said...

yu-mmy! and i LOVE your baking pan. old cast iron??

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking to FFF. Have a great new year!

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