
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recipe: Broccoli Quiche

Nice to serve for lunch or breakfast - this recipe puffs up a bit with the addition of baking powder. It can be prepared ahead and warmed in the oven 
before serving.  Enjoy !
Broccoli Quiche
(printable recipe)
1 10oz. pkg. frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and pressed dry or about 2 cups chopped raw broccoli
1 1/2 cups (4 ozs.) shredded Colby, Cheddar or Swiss cheese
3 large eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

Arrange broccoli in an unbaked deep dish pie shell.   Supermarket variety is fine.   Sprinkle cheese over broccoli.   Mix eggs, milk, flour, baking powder and salt in a blender until smooth.   Pour over cheese slowly.  Place pie on a cookie sheet and bake in a 350' oven about 45 mins. until puffed and brown.  You can also make ahead and freeze.  For a variation see Ham and Cheese Quiche.
I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. Hi there! Thanks for commenting on my blog (Mimi's Room). I followed you over here and what should I find? Exactly what I'd been going to look for this evening...a recipe for a Broccoli Quiche! Thank You! I'll be trying your recipe this weekend to share with a friend: she does my hair and I cook her food. Works out great for both of us!

    I'm enjoying your blog. We seem to like the same things and my oldest also recently turned 35.

    Also, my youngest son is a Chef on Martha's Vineyard and I visited him this past April. My first time on the East Coast (I'm in So. Cal) and I LOVE IT!! You are so lucky to live there....BEAUTIFUL!!

  2. this recipe looks great. i am bookmarking it. thanks! molly

  3. You are welcome and July 1, 2009 entry has another quiche recipe that I like a lot. Enjoy !

  4. Just stopped by from Tasty Tuesday! This recipe looks delicious! Will try soon!

  5. "a little bit of everything"~ that's what I say when I order dessert! Dropping by from the blog hop and now following. Hope you can drop by my blog so we can become blogging buddies.

  6. Hi Now following you through swinging by Sunday blog hop . Would love a follow back : )

  7. Mmmm...looks yummy. I like that it uses a lot of broccoli.

  8. Oh yummy!! Another great recipe!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. I will have to give your link to a friend of mine. She loves broccoli and would so make this.

    Stopping by from the Monday blog hop

  10. We love quiche! I will have to make this. I usually just use Bisquick for a "crustless" quiche, but it will be fun to have a change.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  11. Bookmarking this recipe- I have been looking for a good quiche recipe!!!

  12. Hi this is Diamonds from

    I'm new to Mingle Mondays and I saw your blog listed on . You have a nice blog and I will be following and Hope you will do the same.

    Have a great Monday, Diamonds

    PS: That broccoli quiche looks so good!

  13. yum, broccoli and quiche! Two of my favorites :)

  14. Looks so good but I can not eat broccoli . Have you tried this with asparagus?

  15. This looks delicious! I've been looking for a quiche recipe. Thank you!

  16. Love quiche and love the look of this recipe! Thanks so much for sharing. Visiting from 5MfM...great tackle. Happy Tuesday! :o)

  17. LOVE LOVE LOVE Quiche! I've never been brave enough to try making my own but I think I could do this!

    Thanks so much for joining the Tuesday Train ~ hope to see you there again!

  18. Thanks so much for linking up to THIS WEEK’S CRAVINGS.

    We would like to invite you back next Monday for a new theme “Husband’s Cook”; so if you have a post already or want to get your significant other in the kitchen this week, next week’s linky party is gonna be loads of fun, I know I can’t WAIT to see what my “non-cooking husband is gonna make”!

  19. Looks delicious!

    Thanks so much for dropping by the Be-Bop-A Blog Hop! I'm a follower and I hope you'll stop by again soon! Have a great day! :)

  20. Found you following a blog hop- I think I want to stop by for dinner! Yummy. So many neat things to see and do.

  21. YUMMY! I will make this! Look delish! I'm your newest follower! Come bya nd say "Hi" if you'd like!

  22. This sounds wonderful! I know I would love it! ♥

  23. This looks great, thanks for the recipe!

    I am stopping by from the I ♥ Blogging hop, thank you for joining our hop!

  24. I just bought some broccoli!! This quiche is perfect for my weekend entertaining and would also be perfect for my Foodie Friday linky party...if you get a sec, pop on over and link up!
    Oh, and I found you on New Nostalgia!

  25. Ooh, this looks really good. I love broccoli, and i'm so glad this is a meatless recipe! I really want to try this one out, it seems easy enough (yay). :)

    Tnx so much for linking this up at my party this weekend!

  26. Great recipe...My broccoli quiche needs Bisquick I think I like this one better.

  27. Delicious!!Happy Friday!I am a new follower from the blog hop and I look forward to following your blog!...Hope u can come by for a visit!

  28. Hi from your newest follower. Wonderful Blog you have. When you get the time please check out my blog and return the follow. I am going to be having AWSOME giveaways all throughout the year. Also PLEASE consider buying one of my cookbooks.

    Thank You and Many Blessings to you and yours,

    Connie C

  29. This looks amazingly delicious. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing!!!

  30. It is wonderful!


  31. This sounds and looks delicious! I'll be trying it this weekend! I'm a new follower and featured you on my blog today.

  32. what a fantastic recipe!
    Please stop by and say hi.


  33. I think I may make this for dinner for the hubby and I tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe!

  34. Looks yummy! Congrats on being featured!

  35. yum...i love the idea for adding baking powder to make it puff...thanks for linking this to ff!


    stuff and nonsense

  36. Following from the April’s Tailspin Monthly Blog and Social Media Hop! Hoping you can return the favor :)...

    BTW, can't wait to see you get to 1000 :D

  37. Guess what....I MADE this tonight and it was amazing! My hubby grilled a steak and I made this quiche to go with it! The flavor is wonderful and it's not as fattening as those with cream! I LOVE it! I'll definitely make it again! Thank you SO much! ♥

  38. This looks so delicious!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  39. Thats a really delightful looking quiche ... i cant wait to try it!

  40. Oh this just looks so fantastic. Dare I say even healthy???? I love broccoli, LOVE quiche, so duh, have to try this out. I sometimes put broccoli in my eggs anyway, so I love that combination.

    I loved it so much I FEATURED you, I know I'm late letting you know, but I hope it still puts a smile on your face.

    Come grab a button girl, and display it proudly!

    **Features from week #30** @ Bella Before and After
    Also I would LOVE to invite you to check out my new PINTEREST BOARDS let me know what you think!!
    Thanks girl :)

