
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Needlework: Stuffed Elephant & Duck Toys

I adapted these Elephant directions to make a Duck when my oldest daughter was born. Working in rounds, I fashioned "wings" to attach to the sides after stitching the front and backs together. I also added a "head" made in the same manner as the "body". Then I fashioned the "bill" and stitched it on for a mouth. I make this up as I went along so have no written directions for these changes. These directions are in the pattern's original colors and were taken from the December 1974 issue of Woman's Day Magazine.

BODY: Front Section: Starting at front with red, ch 2. 1st rnd: Work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. So not join, but mark beg of each rnd. 2nd rnd (inc rnd): work 2 sc in each sc around (12sc). 3rd rnd (inc rnd): Sc in each sc, increasing 6 sc evenly spaced around (18sc). 4th through 8th rnd: Repeat 3rd rnd (48sc). 9th rnd: Sc in each sc around.
Continue to work even until piece reaches desired size. Break off.
Back Section: Work as for front section until piece is approximately the same size as the front section leaving about 15" length of yarn to sew sections together.
EARS: (make 2) Starting at narrow end with yellow, ch 6. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; ch 1, turn. 2nd row (inc row): work 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc to within last sc, 2 in last sc (7sc); ch1, turn.
Repeat 2nd row twice more (11sc), then work even until piece measures about 1 1/2" from beg. Mark first and last st. of last row. Break off.
Border: 1st round: Starting in right marked st with red, work 3 sc in this st (corner made), sc in each st across to within left marked st, work another corner; continue to sc evenly around remainder of ear. 2nd and 3rd rnds: Sc in each sc around, working corner in center sc at each corner. Breakoff.
TRUNK: Starting at end with yellow, ch 2. 1st rnd: Work 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Attach red; break off yellow. 2nd rnd (inc rnd): With red, work 2 sc in each sc around (8sc). Sc in each sc around until piece measures about 2 1/2" long. Last rnd (inc rnd): Sc in each sc, increasing 4 sc evenly spaced around. Break off.
FINISHING: Sew ears to front section of body and stitch eyes with yarn. Attach trunk below eyes after stuffing with polyfill. Stitch or crochet front and back sections together leaving room to stuff with polyfill, then stitch closed.

And here is our oldest with her trusted duckies by her side....a little worse for wear and many years ago. These duckies are still with us today, tucked away in a memory chest....
I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. Super cute!That baby picture is sooo sweet! Great job :)
    Visiting from Fingerprints on the Fridge :)

  2. So Cute, I will have to make these!

  3. Those are so cute! I found your site through the Friendly Friday blog hop. I look forward to browsing through your blog. I'm now following you through Google Connect!

  4. Aww, that is such a sweet picture! Your stuffed shells recipe looks really good, too :)

    Stopped by for Friendly Friday and followed you on Google Friend Connect, hope you'll stop by and follow back!

  5. Your little one is adorable, and so are her companions. Nice tutorial.

  6. Those are adorable. You did a great job.

  7. These are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

    Following you from the Blog Hop Till You Drop! So glad I found your wonderful blog! Please follow me back! Thanks :)

    Daily Mothering

  8. So cute!!! And I love the little stuffed animals..... hug.

  9. So pretty!

    Would you please visit my PINK too? Thanks a lot!

  10. Darling softies~how special that you still have them for her! Hope you have a wonderful pink weekend, thanks for sharing!!

  11. Oh that is a precious picture. Oh! It almost made me cry!! So sweet....thanks for sharing!

  12. So precious! The picture almost made me cry!

  13. those are the sweetest! I wish I had the talent and know how to make those! and your little one was so sweet sleeping wither her "friends" :)

  14. Ah, sweet memories of your sweet baby. I still have some of the toys that belonged to our son, too.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  15. Oh!Happy Day! Pink Day; that is..and late as usual ....I will spend most of the rest of this week-end skipping all over blog land...God Bless You All..and I mean really bless you!

  16. This is so creative! And what a sweet baby photo


  17. Aw, cute! I'd love for you to share them here:

  18. PS

    You might like the giveaway of children's room art happening on my blog -- come by if you'd like!


  19. I'm late for Shah's Weekend Creation Hop, but made it over this morning. I had a bad migraine this weekend.

    You are really talented. I have just started working on stuffed crocheted things in the past year. Before that I have made three afghans and a few dishcloths. I am a beginner.

  20. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Thursday Blog Hop. These toys are just too cute! I can't wait to read more from your blog. I'm already looking forward to making stuffed shells for dinner!

  21. These momentos from our childs baby years are priceless. You did a fabulous job on the adaption of the first pattern--how creative. The pricture is darling.

  22. Those look so unbelievably soft! Stopping in to follow and say hey from the blog hop - hope you have time to visit and return the favor soon!

  23. Awwwww, how precious! I love how creative you are and that you still have them today! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  24. Beautiful!

    I'm your newest follower and would love it if you could follow me back :)

  25. Great tutorial! i love it, thanks for sharing.

  26. What a lovely post, lovely idea memory box! Your newest follower, Karima

  27. Aww so cute. The pic of the animals and the shot of the baby too.

  28. Gorgeous little stuffed animals there!

    Thanks for linking to the Creating Success Worldwide blog hop!! Hope you'll come back again next week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  29. Oh, What a great blog you have!! This post was so sweet and those little animals are just too cute! I am now your newest follower, via the blog hop and I hope you will follow me, too! Many blessings to you!!

  30. LOVING these crocheted toys! I need to pick up crocheting one of these days. Been eyeing a bunch of patterns and some lovely things on your blog that are inspiring me...haha need to finish a knitting project first I guess :)

    I am a new follower from the Mom Blogs Monday Blog HOp---would really love a follow back if you like what you see! :)


  31. What Lovely serene blog u have I luv it! Now following u from the wednesday blog blog hop. stop by and say hi

  32. These are so adorable... I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through your blog!

    I'm a new GFC follower stopping by from bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Hop. I would love for you to stop by and visit me (#35 on hop).

    Nice to meet you!


  33. Hi there, I am a new follower from Blog Hop Thursday. I hope that you can follow me back at my Kids e-Connection blog. Thanks, have a nice weekend!

  34. Very cute! Homemade stuffed animals are extra special:)

  35. Hi there, they are adorable and the baby is cute alsoI found and am now following you through My Romantic Home and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris.

  36. So sweet!! You did a beautiful job! So glad you linked up to the Tuesday To Do Party!

  37. Your stuffed toys are adorable, but the little pink elephant is my favorite!

    Thank you for lending your creative spirit to "A Little Birdie Told Me..." at Rook No. 17


  38. I love these elephants - they're so cute! I've always been a big fan of elephants... The bottom picture is adorable!

    I'm a new follower from Mom Blog Monday. Please feel free to come by my blog sometime,

    For Love of Cupcakes

  39. Hi New follower with the hop. Come by say hi, and check out the giveaways. Have a giveaway to list? Email me

    What a sweet baby

  40. You are so talented. The blanket is so bright and beautiful...I love it!
    Adorable baby!
    And the chalkboard on the vase is awesome!
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Maria :)

  41. I love your site!! I am a new follower fron the Super Stalker blog Hop.
    Dutch Girl's Favorite Things
