Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Table Setting: Informal Indoor Dining After the Pool

The dinner menu appears in the frame on the table.   Ironically, I found and loved the dishes on a trip to Bermuda and carried them back on the plane only to then find additional plates in the pattern at our local TJMaxx!  The placemats and napkins are from William Sonoma and the vase and salad tongs from Homegoods.  
I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


Kylie said...

I love your blog. I found you on FMBT.

Those monkey bars in the next post look great and I love the neck pillow tute in the other post.

Aspiring Millionaire

Anonymous said...

Just popping by from Tuesday Blog Hops. Nice to meet you! I am now following your blog :)
@Paisley Passions
@Laughter & Memories

Sonny G said...

What a bright and beautiful table you;ve set.. I enjoyed my visit here very much..


Jami - XOimagine said...

This looks awesome! I love entertaining and decorating! Found you FMBT!

xo - jami
i m a g i n e

Melissa Au said...

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I am following you!!! I would love it if you could follow me back!



GardenOfDaisies said...

I love your blue paisley placemats and napkins!! That is too funny about the dishes! If only you had visited that store before you left for Bermuda!! :-)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh it's gorgeous. What a lovely and inviting setting after a wonderful swim. It is so hot here, I would love to be in your pool and probably never come out. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Amy said...

Love the table setting! Can I come next time? ;-)

Following from FMBT! Loving it so far! Come by and follow me back?

Amy @ rendermemama.blogspot.com

xinex said...

I love your gorgeous plates. SO nice that you found more from TJ Maxx. Isn't that a wonderful store? It's my favorite. Great patio area!...Christine

Nicole said...

Cute setting! Im your newest follower from Trailing Tuesdays! Please visit me @ www.nicolermiller.blogspot.com

BrettBMartin said...

hi- stopping by from mailbox monday to email subscribe - can't find that option so i'm your newest GFC follower


Linda @ Linda's Lunacy said...

Hi! I'm visiting (and following) from Trailing Tuesday. Stop by for a visit if you can!

J Rodney said...

That's so cool that you found the same plates here.

Thank you for joining me at Follow Us Monday Morning, I am now following your blog. I would love it, if you would come and join me at The Wednesday Window . The Wednesday Window is the place to link up your favorite blog post of the week, check out Frugality Is Free for more details.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I found you at Wobble Over Wednesday. Love your blog. Table is beautiful.

Life of This SAHM


Kelley said...

Already following...just stopping by with a Welcome Wednesday Hello! =) Your table setting is so pretty. Have a great day!

Marianne Pysh said...

I'm following from Welcome Wednesday! Your recipes look amazing! Can't wait to see what you're cooking next!

Lucy's Human

Rebecca said...

Love your blog. You have a blog award waiting for you over at: http://www.sueberrylane.info/drupal/content/awe-me-versatile-blogger-award

Have a great day!

Joyful Housewife said...

I am a new follower sent by Welcome Wednesday. =0)

Have a nice day.


Barbara said...

Those plates are so unique. I can't believe you found them at a TJMaxx too! Love your table linens.

Marigene said...

Very nice...love the dishes and place mats.

Marlis said...

the dishes are great. and the placemats are beautiful.. It all looks so inviting.

Entertaining Women said...

I would have carried those plates back, too. They're wonderful. I love the green touch on the blue table linens. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

Anonymous said...

Love the placemats, but I love just about everything from Williams Sonoma!
Visiting from SITS & the Frugal Free Gal Blog Hop
Happy Friday!

Edwards Girls said...

I am your newest follower from http://whatifedmyfamilytoday.blogspot.com/

Hope you'll follow me too :)

Lisa said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday blog hop!!! Nice to meet you! Love your decorating. The table looks so inviting.

Would love it if you'd come visit & return the favor. :)
Lisa xoxo

Teri L said...

Hello . . I'm hopping from The Frugal Free Gal Blog Hop. Beautiful blog. I have found so many beautiful dishes at my local Marshalls/T J Maxx. Love that store.

Roz | La Bella Vita Cucina said...

Now following from the blog hops today you FOR SURE, visited last week, but my avatar never appeared on your follow list, so I hit it again and now I'm there. Please do stop by and consider following back. Thanks, Roz at la bella vita


Ruth said...

so beautiful!!

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