
Monday, December 6, 2010

Table Settings and Recipes: Christmas Gingerbread Men

It has become a family tradition that each year that I bake gingerbread men and women to use as place cards on the table Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. These can be baked ahead and frozen without decoration and are quite tasty. I use Betty Crocker tubes of red and green frosting to pipe names and minimal decorations on each gingerbread person: collars and ties for the men and holly for the women.
This place setting included some Christmas candy and a Christmas CD for each guest. A framed menu - printed using The Print Shop on the computer - stands at each end of the table which is decorated with votive candles and a collection of ornaments from the Nostalgic Houses Series from Hallmark. Evergreens from the yard adorn the chandelier from which red apples hang at varying lengths.
If you notice a difference in the look of the dining room in this photo compared to the Christmas table setting photos, you are most observant! This photo was taken before we painted the dining room and renovated the kitchen.

(printable recipe)
2/3 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco which now comes in bars)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup boiling water
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. salt
3 1/2 cups flour

Cream the vegetable shortening and sugar until smooth.

Stir in the rest of the ingredients while continuing to mix. Batter gets very thick so a stand mixer works best.

Knead mixture on a board until it forms a ball.

Roll dough out, dusting the surface with flour to prevent sticking. You can  roll between two pieces of extra wide plastic wrap, flipping it over during the process and dusting lightly with flour.  I invested in a silicone pastry mat from the Williams Sonoma Outlet Store and it works beautifully.

Cut with cookie cutters and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 7-10 minutes at 375'.

To hang on tree, make a hole in head of gingerbread man before baking. Re-roll leftover dough to cut more cookies.

Recipe can be doubled and cookies freeze well.

I am linking to most of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. Love those gingerbread 'persons.' ;-) I usually make the smaller ones to hang on the tree, but I have the large cookie cutters. That's a cute idea!

  2. I saved your gingerbread cookies in my recipe file for after the holidays. It's just the 2 of us for the holidays. We do have neighbors and friends but they all bake and give us I'll wait til the cookie jar runs dry.

  3. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing the recipe!! I can see me making this for MY family Christmas gathering on Christmas Eve this year! ALL four of my children will be here!

  4. what a great idea to use as place cards. you has been YEARS since i have made gingerbread men...and i love them so much. I think i will try your recipe out this year. thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club!

  5. What a sweet idea! Two birds in one stone kinda thing. I love your tradition. Thanks for sharing!

  6. They are so cute and look mighty tasty! :) Thanks for linking up again for Tasty Tuesday!

  7. Your table looks fabulous. So pretty, and the gingerbread men are wonderful. Thanks for the recipe. Thanks also for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  8. These look great! I featured you today on my christmas cookie roundup :)

  9. Your man and woman are absolutely adorable. What a fun placecard to have and I love the gift on the table too. We have done that on occasion, I would like to do it again this year. The grandkids would love gingerbread men with their name on them for breakfast.

  10. I love gingerbread men! Your table tlooks os festive. Thanks for sharing!


  11. Cute Gingerbread men! And what a great idea to use them as place cards!
    Thanks for linking to A Round Tuit.
    hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  12. i have made gingerbread men for the grand Kiddo's but never thought of using them as place cards..very cute idea. I am a new follower from the Friday Hop!

  13. Following you from the Friday hop- hop on over to

    Ok aside from that- love your blog and I look forward to see all of your ideas ;-) Keep it up!

  14. What a great idea and so very cute.

    All next week I am hosting a Holiday Treats week would love for you to stop by and join the fun.

  15. What a pretty table and I love your gingerpeople.

  16. Thanks so much for linking up to This Week's Cravings. I am also hosting a 12 Days of Christmas Goodies, so make sure you come back every day in December and link up a Christmas Goodie!

  17. Very festive gingerbread people.

  18. I love your gingerbread folks - and what a super idea to use them as placecards! Your table looks lovely and welcoming too.

  19. you got madd skills, Girlie. Yes, that would have to be the family tradition from now on if I ever had 1 of those at my plate.

  20. Your gingerbread people are decorated beautifully! Thanks for the recipe:@)

  21. Waht a great idea. I just decorated my first gingerbread house tonight. aLthough I didn't make the actually gingerbread. Tahnks fro the reciepe

  22. Your gingerbread people are wonderful! How fun to use them on your table for placecards. Your table looks so festive!

  23. Beautiful table setting and the gingerbread cookies look delightful. I was planning to make a batch this year and may use your recipe. I doubt mine will be as lovely as yours, though.

    Am your newest follower from Boost My Blog Friday. I hope you'll click over to mine. Merry Christmas!

  24. Hi there, I'm blog hopping today! I'm a new follower - I found you on Home Grown Families. I have a food blog that is geared towards making healthy and fun kids lunches, and I'm a 'Blog of Note'. I hope you'll follow me back -


  25. Your table looks wonderful as do your gingerbreadmen. It wouldn't be Christmas without them. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. Blessings...Mary

  26. I printed your recipe right away. I would love to try this for our Christmas Eve meal, thanks for sharing. Your table is lovely, wonderful detail and festive.

  27. I've never made gingerbread men!! I'm printing this recipe right now and I'll have something new to add to my cookie tins!

  28. We love Gingerbread men!! Yummy. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

    Would love for you to link up at Kids Get Crafty? It's every Wednesday over at Red Ted Art, current linky:

    Hope to see you there!


  29. So many neat ideas for your Christmas celebration. The gingerbread people are outstanding. Thank you for sharing your recipe. Cherry Kay

  30. Hi
    Just wanted to let you know that I “ Featured” you on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Blog Hop today for your great project & inspiration! Be sure to grab the “I was featured” on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Button/Code for your sidebar! You deserve it! Thanks so much..If you’re not a follower already we’d love for you to join us...

  31. Great idea and a beautiful tablescape! Thanks for linking up to Tip Day Thursday. Link up anytime.

    Around My Family Table

  32. I had already planned to do this, but it's nice to see yours:) I love the look of your ginger people! I also really love how homey and cozy your dining room looks! So inviting and festive! I love it!

  33. Your dining room reminds me of ours growing special! I LOVE the idea of using decorated cookies for
    place cards! Thanks for linking this up too! -shaunna :)

  34. What a cute idea to use personalized gingerbread people for place cards! I might have to try that next year. Thanks for linking to my party.

    Please be sure to come by and enter my fantastic year-end giveaway. Click the picture in my sidebar for details.

    Blessings and a very Merry Christmas!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  35. Oh your holiday tablescape makes me feel merry and bright!

    Seasons greetings to you and yours.

  36. What a wonderful idea with the gingerpeople place cards! What a pretty table you've set.

  37. Just love it all! I adore Gingerbread men!!!! Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday.

  38. You have set a very festive table...cute idea for place cards.

  39. Gingerbread and the holidays are so perfect. It is a favorite here.
