
Monday, March 1, 2010

Homemaking-Remodeling: Adding A Back Stairway

The finished look....
 The back stairs were added after the fact and required constructing a wall in the garage thus incorporating one of the garage windows into the design of the stairwell.  This resulted in a rather unique back hallway. Everything in the photo below was part of the garage originally.
 In the first design we used carpeting on the stairs which we later replaced with hardwood to match the rest of the house and a coat of Benjamin Moore "Whitestone". 
I just found the cute little mirrored metal table at TJMaxx which fits perfectly in the space.  And topped it with my favorite "spilled coffee" piece.  
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To view our other home makeovers, go here.
I am linking to many of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. What a quirky space and you handled it nicely. That metal chair is really cool and the wood floors really make the space.

  2. I love how you put the little chair and table in that small space, it really fits well!

  3. Google is hiding pictures-all I can see if the construction in the process. I hate when I miss these projects because of Googles tricks. thanks for posting to the party.

    It is amazing that you put a set of stairs in like that.

    I am letting everyone know--if you haven't signed up at the new blog, you need to RE-Sign up. Google doesn't let you take your followers with you. If you have already done so --sorry for mentioning it. I am going back and forth between the old and new blog plus my old and new e-mail and I can't keep it all straight. I am hoping to have the old blog finished up (moving everything) and closed down this week.

