
Friday, February 26, 2010

Homemaking & Remodeling: Family Room Remodel

Before and After
Before and After
We renovated the family room a few years ago, swapping out the barn board walls for sheet rock and paint as well as painting all the trim white and it made a phenomenal difference.  The paint is Benjamin Moore "Chestertown Buff".
Here are the before and after photos. We also opened up the family room to the kitchen which made both rooms seem more spacious. The wall of photos went into photo albums for posterity.

I was thrilled to find this coffee table which allowed just enough room on each side for my wooden words (purchased at TJMaxx/Homegoods) "Memories" and "Cocktails".   Shouldn't everyone have both? 
We also enjoy displaying our postcards from over the years on this carousel from Pottery Barn which was a gift from my children.  This is again available in their catalog. Each section is designated for cards from a variety of family and friends. Some postcards date back 40-50 years!
To view our other home makeovers, go here.
I am linking to many of these BLOG PARTIES


  1. The room redo looks great. Quite a transformation, so much lighter/brighter. Great job.

  2. Oh my gosh...I just went through every before/after and they are all spectacular. Love them. Your master bath is beautiful.
    I love the carousel from Pottery Barn too...the girls have a post card collection we started for them when they were little.
    Talk to you soon,

  3. We have a paneled family room too and painted it a light color (was too scared to take it down). Such a difference & yours looks great!

  4. I'm not sure that I would have known that this was the same space if you hadn't shown us before and after pictures. Getting rid of the barnwood made an amazing difference.

  5. Your room looks great!! Well done!

  6. I love love love the new wall color! It makes everything so much lighter and brighter. I want to do a similar color in my den, but I'm intimidated by the height of the walls. After seeing yours, I want to grab a paintbrush!

  7. Such a HUGE difference. It looks amazing. And I love the color. It's the same one we have in our dining room & entry way.

  8. What a great set of "After" shots! The new wall color really ties everything together. :)

    Thanks for linking up! I hope you are having fun "mingling." :)

  9. Hi, I'm visiting from Amanda's progress party. I really love the transformation you made in your family room, it looks nothing like your before pic, that is a true transformation. The wall color is great too. Take care.

  10. What a difference a can of paint makes! Saw you over at Amanda's Progress party!

  11. What a beautiful transformation. You've done a great job!


    P.S. Stopping in from Serenity Now.

  12. What a transformation! I love how everything is lighter and brighter. Great job!

  13. the room is so bright now. Fun idea for the postcards too.

  14. OMG! I LOVE the postcard rack. I NEVER would have thought of that. Postcard and mail and pictures are things that I just don't know what to do with. Wow, I'm going to run out and get me one ASAP.

  15. I was out of town last week, so I'm just now getting to visit people from Amanda's party. I love what you did with this room! I'm proud of you for swapping the dark wood for the light walls--makes the room so much prettier, I think.

    By the way, I LOVE the rack holding your postcards. That's awesome!

  16. Well all your hard work certainly paid off, WOW...the wall color is so pretty too!

  17. Everything looks wonderful! I especially like the white french doors. So lovely~

  18. So much fun to see both the befores & afters! Great job!

  19. Such a beautiful much brighter in there! Amazing what a little paint can guys did a great job! Thanks so much for linking up to Style Feature Saturday! -shaunna :)

  20. Wow, what a transformation! Your choice of colors and style are perfect. I LOVE those sofas. You are very talented, thanks for sharing it.
